
How does it work?

Therapeutic cupping works by creating a vacuum and distracting layers of tissue. When this separation of layers occurs, it promotes blood flow to the area which leads to several positives. First increase blood flow means heating of the tissue which allows for better extensibility and therefore more mobility. Secondly that increase in blood flow will bring nutrients and healing aids to the area.  

As with most soft tissue treatments, it won’t necessarily directly heal the issue but it will improve the environment for healing to take place. The better the environment is, the more quickly healing can take place. After cupping, we should always follow with a mobility or strengthening intervention.

The Dark Circles

And other outcomes

Cupping often leaves you looking like you fought an octopus leaving you with dark circles. The good news is those circles don’t hurt and should fade in about a week or less.

Throughout the treatment there should be minimal discomfort and afterwards you should feel immediately looser with improved symptoms. Part of the treatment technique I use calls for moving or gliding the cups while the suctioned. This sometimes feels like a pulling on the skin but it doesn’t cause any long lasting negative symptoms.

Therapeutic Cupping

Theraputic Cupping has been around for thousands of years. In the last decade high profile athletes in the Olympics and pro sports have brought it to the forefront in America. There are several versions of cupping out there but here at Sports Med Solutions, we use a handheld vacuum pump with plastic cups. 

Cupping has gotten a lot of mixed reviews for its affectiveness. As with all soft tissue treatments I like to frame it as "How do you feel after the treatment? Do you have noticeable effects for a prolonged period after the treatment?” Answer: If you are getting relief from a treatment and your overall baseline is improving, then why wouldn’t we continue to pursue it until it is tapped out.