About Us

Nathan Borget


Nathan has been a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) since 2007 and has worked in high school, college and tactical settings.  He graduated in Dec of 2006 with Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training from East Carolina University.  Following that he earned a Masters of Art in Education while working in ECU athletics.

 In 2017 he moved here to Columbus GA to work on Ft Moore in the tactical setting.  In 2018 he joined the team at Body Evolution as a coach for the strongman/powerlifting/olympic athletes.  Since 2021, he opened the doors of Sports Medicine Solutions. 

     Core thoughts about injury treatment and performance: "Treat the issue early so you can continue to train at a high level," "Its never to late to work on improving the musculoskeletal system for both injury and performance," "Treatment and training is individual, I want to find the approach that works best for you."

In his free time he enjoys, wood working, cooking, espeically outdoors on the smoker and griddle as well as competing in strongman events.  

Kathryn Kosztala 


     Kathryn is a certified athletic trainer (ATC) and movement quality enthusiast helping sport and tactical athletes since 2018.

     With a master’s degree in Kinesiology, Kathryn has a passion for helping others discover and maintain pain free mobility, reduce injury risk, and improve performance via yoga, running mechanics, and sports medicine based care. She specializes working with runners, tactical athletes, and the flexibility challenged from both her past work and personal experiences. She will be the first one to tell you that she once HATED running and used to have a lifelong goal of flexibility to touch her toes (without bending the knees of course).

     There is a better way. Knowledge really is power. Everyone has the right to change their mind, at any time, as they learn more about themselves, their body, and life.

     As a lifelong learner, Kathryn embraces the importance of patient/client education so that you are empowered to take your care far beyond your appointment with Kathryn. She believes in understanding not only the WHAT behind your injury and treatment but also the WHY and HOW. 

Certifications & Advanced Training:

Clickable if you would like to learn more!!