What does CSCS mean?
Why is it important?
The CSCS is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. This person has passed a national certification exam focusing on all aspects of performance. Performance includes building strength, improving conditioning, nutrition guidance and (most importantly to me) injury prevention. The CSCS is a gold standard in the college and pro settings.
Why is the certification important?
Certifications can sometimes just be accessories for the resume. The CSCS test requires more than just a rudementory knowledge of fitness. The benefit of this cert is that we focus on the programing and progression working back from a competition or season to make sure that you peak at the right time. Technique is another hallmark. There is an entire portion devoted to making sure that we can recognize faults in movement patterns.
Are all CSCSs the same?
In short-No...having said that, you could compare any group of professionals and say they aren't the same. There are always differences in skill and experience levels. I would highly encourage you to find the coach WITH the credential AND with the experience in what your goal is.
A good strength coach will get experience to improve their niche. If are are trying to get better at olympic lifting then look for a coach from that sphere, same with strongman, powerlifting or general athletics. When I define "sphere" I mean it can be the athletes that they coach or their actual competition.
Experienced or New Coach?
Just because a coach has been around doesn't mean they are good. On the flip side, just because a coach is new doesn't mean they are bad. When picking a coach have a good well rounded conversation. Make sure that you have a good understanding with them, maybe even try a block of theirs to see how it works. If they are a good coach they will address deficiencies and make the program cater to you.
On that same note-don't blame them for the results if you aren't following all of their advice. The coach/client relationship HAS TO BE a 2 way dialog. If you listen to each other, both will grow. You will work towards your goal AND the coach will get better. If either party stops giving feedback then the relationship with degrade and the goals may get further away.